Data Viz animation and interactivity in Quarto

Deepsha Menghani


My goal is to answer

- What is Data Viz animation, interactivity and linking?

- How can you get started with it in your storytelling?

- What is Data Viz animation, interactivity and linking?

- And have fun learning!!

- How can you get started with it in your storytelling?

- What is Data Viz animation, interactivity and linking?

There are lots of amazing packages for animation and interactivity like…





Observablejs Plot



And many more…

For this presentation, I will share examples of -



But first.. What is Ted Lasso and who is Roy Kent?

Ted Lasso left and Roy Kent on the right

Various moods of Roy Kent

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck


So, let’s look at the number of F-bombs dropped by Roy Kent!

How do I know this?

Because I watched each episode at 2X speed and diligently noted down every F*bomb and gesture reference!!



Q1: What season did Roy Kent end up dropping the most number of F-bombs?

By adding animation you can

  1. Hold the tension in your story
  2. Add a third variable to your plot not directly visible in a static 2D plot

Code structure for creating animation using Plotly

Simple bar plot

dataset |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~count, x = ~season) |> 

Bar plot with animation

dataset |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~count, x = ~season) |> 
  add_bars(frame = ~Episode, type="bar")

Code structure for creating animation using Plotly

Simple bar plot

dataset |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~count, x = ~season) |> 

Bar plot with animation

dataset |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~count, x = ~season) |> 
  add_bars(frame = ~Episode, type="bar") |> 
  animation_opts(frame = 800, transition = 300)


Let’s get technical and talk about statistics

Let’s get technical and talk about statistics - “F-SCORE”

What is an episode’s F-SCORE

\[ f-score = {Roy Kent F-bombs / \choose Total F-bombs} * 100 (\%) \]

Q2: Which season has the most number of episodes with Roy Kent’s F-Score > 50%?

Can you guess the answer?

  • Season 1 - Total F-bombs: 56

  • Season 2 - Total F-bombs: 106

  • Season 3 - Total F-bombs: 138

We can display F-score for each episode as below

Or we can add a “season” checkbox

Through interactivity you can

  1. Turn your viz to a dashboard style report
  2. Make your viz more accessible

Code structure for adding interativity with Crosstalk

Simple bar plot

dataset |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~F_score, x = ~episode) |> 

Code structure for adding interativity with Crosstalk

Bar plot with interativity

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset)

Code structure for adding interativity with Crosstalk

Bar plot with interativity

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset)

plot <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~F_score, x = ~episode) |> 

Code structure for adding interativity with Crosstalk

Bar plot with interativity

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset)

plot <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~F_score, x = ~episode) |> 

checkbox_season <- crosstalk::filter_checkbox(
        id = "Season", 
        label = "Season", 
        sharedData = shared_data,
        group = ~Season

Code structure for adding interativity with Crosstalk

Bar plot with interativity

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset)

plot <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(y=~F_score, x = ~episode) |> 
checkbox_season <- crosstalk::filter_checkbox(
        id = "Season", 
        label = "Season", 
        sharedData = shared_data,
        group = ~Season

bscols(checkbox_season, plot)


Q3: Did Roy Kent have a lower average F-score while dating Keeley or while he was coaching?

Keeley winking at someone

We can use a bar plot to display average F-Score

This is just fine… but as Roy Kent said -

Roy Kent saying - Don't you dare settle for fine

So, let’s enable additional insights by linking it to another plot

Through linking you can

  1. Add layers to your story
  2. Give your stakeholders more control to explore and arrive at their own insights

Code structure for linking two plots

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset, key=~Dating_Coaching_flag)

Code structure for linking two plots

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset, key=~Dating_Coaching_flag)

plot1 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly() |> 
  group_by(Dating_Coaching_flag) |> 
  summarise(avg.fscore = mean(F_score, na.rm=TRUE)) |> 
  add_bars(y = ~Dating_Coaching_flag, x = ~avg.fscore, type="bar")

Code structure for linking two plots

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset, key=~Dating_Coaching_flag)

plot1 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly() |> 
  group_by(Dating_Coaching_flag) |> 
  summarise(avg.fscore = mean(F_score, na.rm=TRUE)) |> 
  add_bars(y = ~Dating_Coaching_flag, x = ~avg.fscore, type="bar")
plot2 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~Episode, y = ~F_count) |> 

Code structure for linking two plots

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset, key=~Dating_Coaching_flag)

plot1 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly() |> 
  group_by(Dating_Coaching_flag) |> 
  summarise(avg.fscore = mean(F_score, na.rm=TRUE)) |> 
  add_bars(y = ~Dating_Coaching_flag, x = ~avg.fscore, type="bar")
plot2 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~Episode, y = ~F_count) |> 


Code structure for linking two plots

shared_data <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(dataset, key=~Dating_Coaching_flag)

plot1 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly() |> 
  group_by(Dating_Coaching_flag) |> 
  summarise(avg.fscore = mean(F_score, na.rm=TRUE)) |> 
  add_bars(y = ~Dating_Coaching_flag, x = ~avg.fscore, type="bar")
plot2 <- shared_data |> 
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~Episode, y = ~F_count) |> 

subplot(plot1,plot2) |> 
              persistent = TRUE
            , on = "plotly_click"
            , off = "plotly_doubleclick"
            , dynamic = TRUE) 

Now that you have these tools…

Let’s combine Animation and Interactivity and Linking - all together!!!

In other words, what not to do!!

So if you were planning to now make everything animated and interactive…

Roy Kent saying - Please stop

Right within Quarto, animation and interactivity enable you to

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck

Right within Quarto, animation and interactivity enable you to

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck

Agitated Roy Kent saying what the f-ck
